an inspiring or animating action or influence: I cannot write poetry without inspiration.
something inspired, as an idea.
a result of inspired activity.
Have you been inspired lately? I have been the lucky recipient of all 3 definitions of 'inspiration' in the last few days. (Picture me here with an arm pump and an audible "YES!".) Inspiration doesn't come along every day, yanno.
Oh hey...they do say things come in 3's. Hmm....but I digress. Here's what happened...
First, my husband bought my birthday present a month and a half early. He got me, (at my request....he would never be dumb enough to suggest such a thing), a Wii Fit Plus with the accessories. I'm SO excited! Really. I used to be really, really fit. Back in the day (aka over 20 years ago), I was even certified and taught some aerobics at a fitness club here in town Another time in my life, I was almost ripped. My fitness level now could be described as....well, pathetic is the word that comes to mind. I've been blessed with a body type/metabolism or whatever has allowed me to not become large in size, but I promise you it's not because of my activity level and only in a small part because of my diet. I'm not talking about weight, though, I'm talking about fitness...cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength, and flexibility in particular. Pathetic, I tell ya. Since I haven't had the will power to get up at 5 a.m... to work out before the kids get up, it just hasn't happened, and I've reached the 'use it or lose it' stage of life. I used to do Turbo Jam, which I loved, but it involves a lot of kicks and jabs which can be dangerous with little people wanting to participate. So now I'm inspired to get in MUCH better shape by the time my 45th birthday arrives mid September. That's a great gift, honey. And the gift from myself will be to actually use it.
Second, some Naturally Wise customers asked me about offering a facial cleanser. I recently added goat's milk soaps to my line and was ok with using them for my face, but I went to a couple of my favorite recipe places and found one just for your face that had some extra goodies in it besides soap. I happened to have all the ingredients, which is one huge advantage to having my own natural bath/body factory right here at home. It filled that hunger for some instant gratification. :D So I made up the recipe, with a little tweaking, and LOVE it. It's so much nicer than plain ol' soap. It sort of has that little pampering thing to it. As soon as my new batch of containers arrive, I'm sending the 2 ladies who suggested the cleaner some samples to test and give feedback. I love that kind of inspiration. Thanks guys!
Third, and probably most importantly, I was inspired by a discussion thread about gentle parenting. I had made a conscious decision to not spank when my son was born. However, my strong-willed daughter has been a huge challenge to me,and I admit, some times I yell. I "hate" this as much as if I had spanked. It's really not the mother I want to be. At all. Part of it has been coming off medications my doctor pur me on for PPD, which has been really hard and will be addressed in another post. I've prayed and searched for some techniques and methods to help me be more of the mom I want to be, the mom my kids deserve. And POOF, God handed it to me. It's called Grace Based Discipline. It truly speaks to my heart and yes...INSPIRES me, gives me tools to parent the way that feels right. I'll share more another time.
For now, I just feel so...blessed, to have such inspiration on many different levels recently. I hope you have, too! What has inspired you lately? If not, how long has it been since true inspiration came calling? I'd love to hear what inspires you.